• Attendance

    July 2013
    M T W T F S S
  • The “Class”

    Avery, Naim, Aaron

  • Subjects

  • Portfolio

July 26, 2013

Avery went to Goddard for the day. He was very much wanting for Naim to go with him, so he walked with us there, but Avery wanted to keep him. I think Naim would even like to stay all day. But I took him home with me.

We did get a bit of school done.

  • We did the textbook stuff for Ch. 14 in MIF which was mental subtraction strategies. We also did the textbook “put on your thinking cap.” page. I did not do the game, so maybe I will do this next time.
  • Both did 2 pp. of Sylvan. Aaron started the Spelling book.
  • Aaron did 2 pp. of HWT
  • Naim did the workbook stuff for the letter Nn in ZB
  • Naim did the bonus book for Lesson 3 in HOP
  • Aaron did the DVD and book for Lesson 8 in HOP

I took A and N to the Washington County Fair, since they wanted to go to the Rose Festival so bad and I was not able to get them there. It costs too much money, but I actually prefer the WCF to the RF. Lots of stuff to do, more space to do it in, easier to get to, less crowd, more farm animals, less cost. Sure it is not as famous or down by the river, but for that type of thing there is plenty to do. It is not my favorite activity, but I can do it once a year. We had a lot of fun although it was hot.

They slowly built their tolerance up for rides. They are not big thrill riders, but then neither am I. They did a lot of obstacle course/fun house kinds of things. They got a workout.

Aaron was getting scammed by a game guy. Nothing out of the ordinary of what they usually do. It is teaching kids to gamble. I put a stop to it and Aaron won a small shark, when he wanted a large stuffed animal. If he was lucky, it was going to cost him upwards of $25, and that is if he got 20 darts in a row. (He got 3 out of 5 to get the shark). So it wasn’t going to happen. But he was not happy with me. I also didn’t let him get a balloon with a republican elephant and GOP on it, just  because of the principle of the thing. I am MEAN!

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