• Attendance

    July 2013
    M T W T F S S
  • The “Class”

    Avery, Naim, Aaron

  • Subjects

  • Portfolio

July 8, 2013

Avery went to Goddard today. Here is his report. He also had an “incident report” for me to sign for a bump on the forehead. Those things read like a deposition, but I guess it is better to over-report than to under-report. When I got there, he said, “I come back.” I am not sure if it was a question or a statement. But it was a sentence. then when we left he grabbed a monkey toy and started oo oo oo ee ee ee-ing like a monkey. Then when we left he said, “Play Ni Ni?” Which means he wants to go play with Naim.

But the funny thing was that Naim could not find his iTouch all day long and he swore to me that Avery took it to school. We tried calling it and locating it, but nothing. I thought it was in the house but with the battery dead. But Naim asked me 40 times to got to Avery’s school and get it. When I finally brought Avery back home, he immediately said, “Avery! Do you know where my iTouch is?” And Avery promptly took off his backpack, unzipped it, put his hand in and pulled it out and handed it to Naim. So…I don’t know if there was a conspiracy going on there or what between them. It was funny, though. We called it a couple of times and they probably heard it. I wonder if they thought it was weird that we sent Avery to school with that.

Big kids:

  • Aaron read “Fishing Bear” for DER and we answered the questions.
  • We finished the cumulative review for Ch. 10-13 in Math. They did well except for still having trouble with subtraction with regrouping. And we still need more work on remembering facts.
  • Both did 2 pp. of Sylvan and 5 Sylvan Spelling words.
  • Aaron did the DVD and book for Lesson 5 in HOP
  • Naim did the worksheets for Lesson 1 in HOP
  • Aaron did 2 pp. of HWT.
  • Naim did the review pages in ZB for U, S, B, and P.
  • They watched BrainPop on soccer.
  • They did the first chapter of MGG