• Attendance

    August 2013
    M T W T F S S
  • The “Class”

    Avery, Naim, Aaron

  • Subjects

  • Portfolio

August 26-31, 2013

Naim had NWCT Camps. He did a singing camp in the morning and a film camp in the afternoon.

The singing camp was a challenge at first because he was caught again being unable to read the lyrics. I guess the first day he got really, really frustrated. I figured out how to look the songs up on YouTube the first day, and we listened to them a bunch of times that way and started singing what we could remember. This helped his confidence a lot and he was ok after that.  He did a performance at the end of the week. She put him inconspicuously in the back, but he did ok and had fun. I got the songs in my head. They were Tomorrow (from Annie), Happy (from Despicable Me 2), and In the Sun, by some teeny-bopper kind of group I can’t remember now. I tried to record but only got a little because Avery was on my the whole time.

Aaron’s zoo camp was Rhino level this year. This one focused on predators and prey. They saw the bird show and the predator show and did the zoo train and the usual stuff. He, of course, liked aftercare the best. I think there was one sort of meltdown having to do with Aaron not wanting to make an animal but instead wanting to make a transformer. Nik told her to let it go and then it was ok after that.

Avery had Goddard on M,W,Th and  got used to his transition into the Ranch room. Thursday was Pajama Day. Here is his DARs for the week.